The Anarchist Bible Bet
Our Online Home Bible Study Course is going to persuade you to become an anarchist and join our movement to repeal the U.S. Constitution and abolish the government of the United States. If we fail, we will pay you $1,000.00.
That's One THOUSAND Dollars. Partial List of Requirements
Anarchist Bible
Table of Contents Big-Picture Overview:
Audio Tour
As we'll prove below, you are a victim of educational malpractice. You've been trained to believe that anarchists are violent people. You probably don't know that the word "anarchist" comes from two Greek words meaning "not an archist." No big deal; you don't know what an "archist" is. "Everybody knows" (as they say) that an "anarchist" is a bad person:
We here at the Anarchist Bible Bet are 100% opposed to such things. We hope you are too. The man above believes in using force to impose his will on others. He is therefore an "archist." Not an an-archist. The Peaceful Anarchist vs. the Violent Archist In addition to persuading you to become an anarchist and to join our movement to repeal the Constitution and abolish the government of the United States, our Online Home Bible Study Program is going to persuade you that Jesus prohibited resistance to and the violent overthrow of even the most evil empire. If you complete our assignments, you will come to reject government promises of "national defense," peacefully accept invasion and enslavement if necessary, repudiate vengeance, and you will be transformed into a Christian PACIFIST -- or we'll pay you $1,000.00 |
You recoil at the idea of eradicating the United States from the face of the earth, the most anti-Christian and lethal archist empire in history, violently imposing its Secular Humanist agenda all over the planet, with hundreds of military bases around the world, subsidizing terrorists and tyrants of all stripes. You are a obviously victim of archist brainwashing. We are going to help you become the beneficiary of anarchist brainwashing. We are going to transform you into a Bible-believing Christian who, as a follower of Christ,
This is the 180° opposite of what most of us have been told is an "anarchist" in our archist-approved "public" schools. We here at the Anarchist Bible Bet are not "lawless." In fact we're part of a movement known as "Theonomy," which is a word that comes from two Greek words meaning "God's Law." We oppose institutions like the Mafia and the State because they are opposed to God's Law. The Theocratic Anarchist vs. the Secular Archist In addition to persuading you to become an anarchist and to join our movement to repeal the Constitution and abolish the government of the United States, and in addition to persuading you to become a PACIFIST, who repudiates violence and armed revolution, our Online Home Bible Study Program is going to persuade you that the modern doctrine of "separation of church and state" is an atheistic myth, and you will join our movement to make the Bible "the law of the land," and transform America into a Christian Theocracy once again. If we don't, we will pay you $1,000.00 You're probably thinking to yourself, “Anarchist?” “This will be an Easy $1,000.00!” Think again. |
Anarchist Bible Bet
Now, on to the expanded answers to your three questions:
Or, if you've already heard about this Program and want to enroll right now before our available slots fill up, click here. |
1. Why You Are Going To Lose This Bet.
There are two reasons why you're going to lose this wager. First, Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would say this about you: You are a victim of Educational Malpractice. |
The men who who signed the Declaration of Independence and risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to make America the most prosperous and most admired nation in history would say:
We are going to change that for you. By transforming you into a Bible-believing Christian anarchist, America's Founders would agree you have become
Even though this is a "wager," what we really want is for you to experience the most profound, massive personal transformation of your entire life. We're really on your side. We are here to transform you. We're going to make sure you read the Bible, understand the Bible, and become a Bible-believing Christian anarchist. |
Colonial American One-Room Schoolhouse 2.0 |
We're selling the education that government required in public schools 400 years ago. Sort of. If you checked out my résumé below, you read how I was denied a license to practice law in California because my allegiance to God is greater than my allegiance to the government. Today I would not be allowed to become a Naturalized American Citizen had I been born in a foreign country. And I must admit, a few years ago I was just like you are now, and I would have looked at someone calling himself a "Christian anarchist" as loony wacko. I probably would have been put to death 400 years ago because I want to abolish all civil governments. My brand of non-coercion ("pacifism") and proposed abolition of "the State" -- the machinery of violence and compulsion -- would have been anathema in centuries past. It is still controversial enough to bar me from any government job, including public school teacher. America's Founding Fathers were under the mistaken impression that the Bible requires human beings to form governments, a proposition no Bible-believing Christian anarchist accepts. But there is a core similarity between the "Anarchist Bible Bet" home study program and the curriculum compelled by every government in North America 400 years ago. This education program is based on the Bible. The entire concept of "public schools" was created by Bible-believing Christians following the Protestant Reformation in order to make sure every citizen could read the Bible. [If you already know this, skip the evidence that follows.] One of the first public school laws in America is known today as "The Old Deluder Satan Act" because it began with these words:
The 1636 rules of Harvard declared:
That's our Program. Read the Bible twice a day. Get a Harvard education like Samuel Adams. The 1690 Connecticut law declared: This [legislature] observing that... there are many persons unable to read the English tongue and thereby incapable to read the holy Word of God or the good laws of this colony... it is ordered that all parents and masters shall cause their respective children and servants, as they are capable, to be taught to read distinctly the English tongue. You were denied this kind of Bible-centered Education. You are a victim of educational malpractice. Atheistic education and ubiquitous secular media have consumed the majority of your waking hours and a moral cancer has metastasized in your heart, mind, soul, and strength. In the early 1960's, the U.S. Supreme Court banned the Bible* from public schools, along with voluntary prayer. One of the Justices who concurred in this secularization was honest enough to admit that removing religion from public schools was directly contrary to the intentions of America's Founders:
Many territories, when they applied for admission to the union. repeated those words verbatim in their state constitutions. Nebraska in 1875 was the last state to copy these words into their constitution.
The Government today prevents students from being taught the Bible, "religion, morality, and knowledge." Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would say that secular schools are a threat to "good government and the happiness of mankind," and a government that imposes secularism on the people should be "abolished," just as they abolished the British government over the colonies for offenses far less serious. Samuel Adams, the "Anti-Federalist," did not always agree with his cousin John Adams, the "Federalist." Sam wrote:
This is exactly what The Anarchist Bible Bet will do for you. You can compensate for what the federal government denied you as a little boy or girl by enrolling in our year-long online Home-Study program. If America's Founding Fathers could travel through time, what would they say is America's Most Pressing Problem? I think they would say it is the fact that America is no longer a nation "Under God," but is an atheistic nation ("secular" sounds so much nicer than "atheistic"). The nation that once sent missionaries and Bibles around the world is now the world's greatest exporter of pornography and weapons of mass destruction. And the root of this problem is a national system of compulsory atheistic education for all children 5-17 years of age. America's Founders would be horrified, outraged, apoplectic. Princeton professor Archibald Hodge saw the trend back in 1887, and sounded this alarm: He was right. If our Godly and virtuous ancestors could see schools and culture today, they would be screaming: "Are you people insane??" And if you defended yourself and your conservative credentials by agreeing that this situation is abhorrent, they would ask, "What are you doing about this?!?" What are you doing about this? Of course, you are paying for this propagation of atheism and immorality with your taxes. Are you doing as much to stop it or counter it as the danger warrants? No, you aren't. You don't want some secularist to accuse you of "trying to impose a theocracy" on America. "Oh, no!" You say. "I don't believe in theocracy!" Then you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Have you taken your own kids out of public schools? Terrific. But you yourself are still a victim of educational malpractice. You are more concerned about "extremists" who are accused of "trying to impose a theocracy" on America than you are energized by the realization that Christian Theocracy is is the answer to our problems. America's Founders saw the dangers of tyranny because they had a Theocratic education as children. They did not believe in a "secular" government. You have been brainwashed to believe government must be "secular." Not surprisingly, you also accept tyranny. Because of their Biblical education, America's Founding Fathers realized that "the Divine Right of Kings" was not a Biblical doctrine. You have been denied this kind of Bible-centered education by a Roman Empire-like regime that has declared war on God. You don't see half of what America's Founders saw. If they were here today, they would see not only that the "divine right of kings" is an unChristian concept, but they would see that the entire concept of "the nation-state" has been a complete failure since 1776. It was invented by rebels and is nowhere commanded or endorsed in the Bible. By skipping "the 3 R's" (which you can quickly learn through the Ron Paul Curriculum or the Kahn Academy), twelve years of colonial American worldview education, covering "religion, morality, and knowledge" can be covered in just 12 months by reading through the entire Bible and four other works which are among the most important works in the history of western civilization, listening to audio lessons on the commute to work and back home in the evening, 20 minutes each way. Then each week attend a live Q&A webinar for laser coaching and clarification. That's our Program. If you complete our assignments, you will be a Bible-believing Christian Anarchist, or we'll pay you $1,000.00. You need this program. Because as it stands now, you are an enemy of Christ. |
Proof: Your Friend, The United States, is Evil
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy by Ronald Reagan. He was associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was a columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments, including Stanford University, where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution, George Mason University where he had a joint appointment as professor of economics and professor of business administration, and Georgetown University where he held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost. Roberts says:
"But . . . but," you stammer; "Isn't North Korea or Iran more evil and more dangerous than the federal government of the United States?
North Korea may be more evil, but it is not more dangerous. The United States already has a track record for staggering violence, and gives every indication of being willing to unleash even more unimaginable violence.
And it's not only a question of where the U.S. is today. No other empire has departed so far from such auspicious Christian beginnings. This comes as no surprise to anyone who looks at the United States from a Christian worldview.
The U.S. Federal Government now seeks to impose its anti-Christian worldview on the entire world.
Every single person who signed The Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution (1787) would take immediate steps to repeal the Constitution and abolish the government it created. You do nothing of the sort. "Where's the TV remote?" you say.
The Declaration of Independence says we have a "duty" to "abolish" any government that becomes a threat to the unalienable rights with which we were endowed by our Creator. We have for too long neglected that duty. The United States denies the existence of the Creator, and is the largest threat to the rights of billions of human beings around the world. Without muskets or violence of any kind, the United States must be abolished. You are not a "good American" if you disagree. You show no respect to America's Founders if you disagree. (Or, you are a victim of educational malpractice.) "But," you reply, "while the Declaration of Independence may speak of abolishing governments which have become tyrannical, the Framers of that document would not agree with abolishing all governments." That may be true. But if America's Founders could travel through time to our day, they would see that "government" is as obsolete a concept as "the divine right of kings" was in their day. They would reach this conclusion based on the education they received in their day (which you have not received in yours), combined with the obvious lessons of history, reflected in the devolution of the government they created into the most evil, anti-Christian empire in history. They would see the triumph of Capitalism and the failure of socialism. They would project recent advances into the future and connect the dots. America's Founding Fathers would abolish the government they created, and not create another one to replace it. You need the education they had to recognize this. (And giving mass numbers of Americans this education is the only way our Founding Fathers would be able to abolish this government non-violently.) |
YOU HAVE A PROBLEM Imagine having a conversation with one of those who risked "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" against a limited, Christian government like Great Britain in 1776. They travel through time and discover a New United States, which can only be described as "the enemy of mankind." What would they say about you? What would they say about the risks you take against this atheistic tyranny? They would say you are:
You are one of the wealthiest human beings in the history of the human race, richer than billions of human beings both now and in centuries past.
But you are self-indulgent and ungrateful.
America's Founders would say you are not "the salt of the earth," and a "light to the world." You are not a "City upon a Hill." This is because you haven't connected the dots and become a Bible-believing Christian Anarchist.
If you're like most Americans, you believe the Old Testament is filled with violence and slavery, and cannot be a model for any civilized society today. |
The Second Reason You're Going to Lose this Bet. |
Yes, of course, we understand that you are shocked at the idea of becoming an "anarchist." Our goal is to make you a better student of the Bible, which will result in you becoming an anarchist. We are completely aware that you, like all Americans, were raised to believe that "anarchists" are bad people. You have been trained in government-approved schools to believe that you should never want to be an "anarchist." You were also brainwashed into believing that those who "protect" us from those nasty "anarchists" are the Good Guys. What is an "archist?" Repeat after me:
It's a simple concept. But a profound "paradigm shift." An "anarchist" is not an archist. An anarchist does not believe he has the right to impose his will on other people by force, like a king or ruler. The anarchist does not believe you have the right to impose your will on other people by force. Even if you call yourself "the government." Even if you can get all your friends to call you "the government." This is in fact what Jesus taught. In addition to being a victim of educational malpractice, you are a victim of archist brainwashing. You now believe your captors and oppressors are your friends. You are shocked and offended at "anarchism" - the idea of abolishing "the government." This shows that your moral sensibilities are fried.
Many great minds were shocked and offended by men like Thomas Jefferson, who repudiated the widely-held doctrine of "the Divine Right of Kings."
Even some of America's Founding Fathers were scandalized by the idea of a government with no king. Benjamin Rush, who signed the Declaration of Independence, spoke of his own "Copernican revolution":
Tremendous progress was made in the direction of liberty and self-government by those who questioned the status quo and limited the State. But in 200 years, no more progress has been made. Too many Americans believe that they profit from the status quo; they are morally incapable of questioning it. In fact, no serious student of Christianity and American history can deny that we have regressed. We have suffered a significant loss in liberty and virtue. America's Founders would be shocked. Horrified. It's time for another Copernican revolution. Not only can we have a virtuous, orderly, peaceful, and prosperous society without a someone claiming a "divine right" to be "king," we can have a Godly society without "the State" in any form. You're shocked at that suggestion, because you have fallen hook, line and sinker for The Biggest Government Lie in the history of the human race. The Big Lie is this: "Anarchists" are the Bad Guys. As we saw above, those who oppose an-archists are, logically (or etymologically), "archists." You've never heard the word "archist" before. Put on your thinking cap. We want to convince you that "archists" are the bad guys, and "anarchists" are the good guys, . This may be an insurmountable hurdle, because you've been brainwashed by compulsory "archist" mis-education. You might be saying,
Answer: From the Bible. I try to get everything from the Bible.
In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, Jesus discovers His disciples arguing about who is going to be the "greatest" in the Kingdom of God. They didn't understand that Jesus' Kingdom was quite unlike the kingdoms of the world.
The word translated "rulers" comes from the Greek word from which we derive our English word "anarchist." "Lords," "rulers" and "great ones" are "archists." Jesus clearly says His followers are not to be "archists." They are to be "servants." Jesus did not tell His disciples to impose Christianity on the world by force.
Jesus says "archists" are not to be looked up to. We are to be "servants." We are to be pacifists. We are to be non-archists. If you go "back to school" with us for one year, you'll agree, or we'll pay you $1,000.00 For two thousand years, everyone -- Christian and non-Christian alike -- has recognized that Jesus taught pacifism. People with years of secular education, positions in power, or possessing property, have latched on to theories, rationalizations, and slogans to set aside the ethics of "Love your enemy" in favor of institutionalized vengeance. Every year in America, "private sector" murderers kill 10-20,000 people. But during my lifetime, the United States government has killed, crippled, or made homeless TENS OF MILLIONS of innocent non-combatant civilians around the world. And as governments steal, kill, and kidnap on a public scale that vastly exceeds "private" crime, governments also prohibit public schools from teaching children the most basic standards of Biblical morality. Governments are threatened by Christianity. Therefore they frown on teaching it in government-run schools. The Government is the cause, not the solution, to crime. Some worry that crime would "take over" if pacifists had their way. Crime has already taken over. It's called "government." That's not just an empty-headed "anarchist" slogan. It is an overwhelming statistical fact. If pacifism (a moral rejection of violence) were to spread through society, both crime and "government" would be reduced. Pacifists oppose theft. That means pacifists oppose "government." The amount of crime that would remain after pacifists abolish government (and, it goes without saying, the creation of paradise itself would not eliminate all crime) would be less costly than the price tag for Fortress America. In 1994 "criminals" committed 7,885 bank robberies, taking $28 million. That same year, "government agencies" seized $2.1 Billion in "asset forfeiture proceedings," often without "probable cause," and often not returned when innocence was proven. Theft by any other name . . . would be called "taxation." The government steals 2/3 of everything you earn. Inflation steals from your future. "Criminals" cannot compete with the legalized, systematic plunder of "governments." If government were to be abolished because of the society-wide spread of pacifist ideas, including education, the social costs of theft (by all thieves, private and public) would be reduced substantially. Your standard of living would be raised if government were abolished by a pacifist majority. (A scenario completely different from government being abolished by a criminal majority, a scenario without historical precedent. Criminals don't abolish the government, they take it over.) This seems obvious to pacifists, but it can't be obvious to the person who is completely unwilling to look at the facts. Frequently Asked QuestionsNo.1: A burglar just broke into my home and stole my TV, but I live in a stateless society. If there's no "government," will the burglar just be free to steal forever? Under today's government, the criminal who steals your TV is less likely to be incarcerated by the government for burglary than your next door neighbor is for possessing an illegal plant. Part of the reason is that tracking down a violent offender costs the government more money and is more risky than tracking down peaceful people with illegal flora. The government is a monopoly of Keystone Cops without competition at best, and a menacing militarized threat to civilization at worst. Further, government's mandatory sentencing against users of illegal plants crowds prisons with non-violent people resulting in release of violent offenders. Why We Need Prison Reform: Victimless Crimes Are 86% of the Federal Prison Population Regardless, if a criminal just stole your TV, why would you want a "government" stealing more from you to give the criminal "three hots and a cot" plus weightlifting equipment and color TV? Capitalist solutions to crime won't steal more from victims to incarcerate their offenders. Capitalist solutions will provide powerful incentives to criminals to make restitution to their victims. In a stateless society, entrepreneurs and capitalists will see that there is market demand for the apprehension of criminals. Insurance companies will be interested in recovering stolen property rather than paying out claims. Evangelistic groups will be interested in turning criminals into productive members of society. There is profit to be made, and charitable works to be funded. Yes, crimes will be committed in a stateless society. But the cost of private crime is much less than the cost of government crimes. And under capitalism, innovative and market-tested solutions to crime will replace ineffective and counter-productive government anti-crime measures. Capitalism has shown that the vast majority of human beings cooperate in order to prosper. Only a small minority steal for a living. Honest folks who want to avoid being stolen from, or recover stolen property, will cooperate together using non-coercive market forces to create networks and infrastructure to deal with criminals, just as capitalism has dealt with all other human problems (food, clothing, shelter, etc.). The Bible never says that a coercive non-voluntary monopoly called "the government" is the only Godly way to respond to the problem of crime, any more than the Bible says a coercive non-voluntary monopoly called "the government" is the only Godly way to respond to the problem of disease and sickness, or hunger and nakedness. Liberty allows entrepreneurs to solve human problems -- and make a profit. If your church group went on a missions trip to Haiti, but your plane got off course and landed on an uncharted island, and you concluded that you would never be rescued, how would you deal with crime? Would you set up a "State?" No, you already have a "church," and that's all you need to deal with crime. See how Matthew 18 can be applied in an anarcho-capitalist society: Here are three books which map out capitalist solutions to crime.
Prof. Bruce Benson has studied the history of cooperative responses to crime, as well as present alternatives:
Further studies on crime:
A government monopoly of violence is never the best solution to any human problem. We've been trained to believe that if we don't give the government half of everything we earn, year after year, that criminals will steal from us. But they will only steal a tiny fraction of the amount the government takes from us. And a society which has Godly schools, has less crime, and without "the government," there is no public model of successful criminals -- people who get rich by resorting to force and violence ("the State"). |
There are answers to all these questions, if you sincerely want answers. Some people are closed-minded and ask questions which are actually arguments or denials in the form of questions. Such people will not gain maximum results from this program. Two Hypothetical Scenarios:
The Government wants you to believe that the government creates rights, law, and order, and without the government, there would be "anarchy."
Abolishing an atheistic "government" does not threaten rights, law, and order. It is the most important thing Christians can do to establish and preserve law and order. You might say, "Abolish an atheistic government, sure; but let's put "Christian" archists in their place, rather than have anarchy." We had a "Christian" government. It failed. It had to fail because "Power corrupts" -- which means "government corrupts." A "Christian government" is like a "Christian cancer." A genuine Christian obeys the command of Jesus not to be an archist. If America's Founders could travel through time and see what has happened to the Christian government they created -- how "capitalism" has triumphed and "government" has failed on a massive and lethal scale -- and if they were to enroll in our program of Biblical Anarcho-Capitalism, they would agree that human beings do not need kings or coercive tax-funded institutions of any kind. |
3. Why You Will Fall All Over Yourself to Pay us $1,000.00 -- or more! -- to transform you into a Bible-Believing Christian Anarchist |
Once you realize that Jesus prohibits Christians from being "archists," your whole world changes. What are the benefits to you of becoming a Christian Anarchist? The Marketing Department has told me to
I told The Marketing Dept. that nobody who has read this far would fall for any of that. Benefits? Quite the contrary, by becoming a follower of Christ the executed anarchist, you may lose everything. In our day the "Bill of Rights" means nothing. You may become the object of government surveillance. The FBI or other government intelligence agencies may open a dossier on you and members of your family. Your participation and public affiliation with an "anarchist" website may lead to IRS harassment in the form of an audit or other legal inconveniences. You may be deemed an "enemy combatant." If your job required you to take an oath or sign a statement indicating your support of the U.S. Constitution, you may lose your job because you visit "anarchist" websites. I lost my chance to be an attorney. Your house or place of business may be searched and your assets "forfeited." You may become targeted for assassination by one of 30,000 drones over U.S. skies. We cannot be responsible for these eventualities. You have to make the decision: will you be approved by the government, or will you be approved by God? Nevertheless, The Bible promises that if you meditate on God's Commandments (the basis for the anarchist character traits you will be gaining in our program) you will prosper: Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth: but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Click here for more promises. America is a unique "laboratory experiment" that proves the benefits of our program of Christian Anarchism. Less "government" means more virtue. Because "government" (organized theft and vengeance) is immoral. Imagine a political spectrum with "Christian Anarchism" on one side and "archism" on the other:
Just like America, you may become prosperous and admired as employers, clients, or others see your non-archist character. Conversely, just like America, a person could become bankrupt and despised as one becomes less anarchist and more archist. |
Extreme | Middle of the Road | Extreme |
A B C D E F G H I J K L | M | N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Anarchism | Apathy | Archism, Tyranny |
Theocracy: "Liberty Under God" | Lukewarm | Atheism |
Love | Indifference | Hate |
Do you want to be a Grade "A" Christian? Then you had better avoid being a Grade "Z" Christian with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. |
The Bible promises benefits for those who engage in this kind of "iron-sharpening": Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other. Even if you don't become a Christian Anarchist, going through our program will be a mind-expanding discipline. Even if you don't want to wear our official "I Lost the Anarchist Bible Bet" T-Shirt, you'll still be grateful that you completed our daily assignments. There is further benefit in the daily study of the Bible. Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, George Washington, who struggled with archism, yearned for the “Vine & Fig Tree” society and studied the Bible an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Your whole life will be transformed by committing to a daily program to read the Bible as an "anarchist manifesto" in preparation for global change -- not just a "daily devotional" where you flip open the Bible to a page at random to get "inspiration" like a Hallmark Card. We're talking about a systematic putting-on of the Armor of God to do battle with the forces of totalitarian darkness. A final benefit: Jesus will not vomit you out of His mouth if you become an anarchist and repudiate the imposing of your will on others by force. Jesus said we must be "extremists." There is no "moderate" or "neutrality" on this issue.
Total opposition to "the State" is the fruit of total commitment to God. That's our claim: can you refute it? How can one be totally committed to God as Judge, Lawgiver, and King (Isaiah 33:22), and still urge the appointment of a mortal man to the same offices? Where did you get such an idea?
The idea that "anarchists" are the bad guys and those who oppose anarchists (logically, "archists") are the good guys is
The Biggest Government Lie in Human History If you do not want to be an archist, then you want to be an "an-archist," that is, "not an archist."You may have heard the saying, "Power corrupts." The man who wrote this, Lord Acton, was a Christian anarchist. (Or pretty close.)(We think he would be if he were here today.) Most people who have heard that "power corrupts" have not heard the rest of the paragraph. Compare what Lord Acton said with what Jesus said:
Why does power corrupt? Because "power" -- being a legal "archist" -- is a license to do harm to others without doing any time. With no consequences, there is no reason not to be an archist. From being an archist over one's neighbor, it becomes easier to become an archist over millions. "Great" men want this power. To repeat:
The Biggest Government Lie of All Time is that "anarchists" are bad, while those who oppose "anarchists" are good. There are two kinds of "anarchists."
In this comparison, "tell me what to do" means "compel me to do what you think I should do by initiating force or threatening violence." In fact, a Christian can "tell" everyone "what to do," because God has revealed moral absolutes: "Thou shalt" and "Thou shalt not." But the Creator prohibits the creaturely use of violence to "make" everyone do what God says to do. Thus, Christian Anarchism does not "lead to chaos." It depends on -- and to succeed must cultivate -- moral virtue and Godly obedience. Are you an Archist? You are an "archist" if You are also an "archist" if you "vote" for "The Candidate" The initiation of "force" includes: The myth that archists are the good guys pervades every area of our lives. And most of us end up thinking, "If 'they' can use force to accomplish their 'public' goals, why can't I use force to accomplish my private goals?" It isn't just "criminals" who think that way. "White-collar" criminals think the same way. Voters think the same way. Breaking that myth ("anarchists = bad; archists = good") will transform you, no matter who you are, or what you do in life:
We have all been infected -- to one degree or another -- by the idea that it's OK to impose our will on others by force. For Candidates and Politicians, Bureaucrats and Tyrants, the "initiation of force" usually takes the form of
This is what "archists" do. An "archist" is someone who believes he has a right to
Seeing through the anti-anarchist propaganda of the government-controlled media will transform every area of your life. You will be amazed. |
3. Who Are We?
Hello, my name is Kevin Craig. I'm the Founder of Vine & Fig Tree, a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt educational organization, sponsor of The Anarchist Bible Bet Online Home Bible Study Program. Vine & Fig Tree is a phrase which occurs a number of times in the Bible. These references are visual reminders of the Hebrew word for salvation, which means
When today's Americans hear the word "salvation," they usually think about going to heaven when they die. When the writers of the Bible used the word "salvation," they wanted you to be thinking about dwelling safely under your own Vine & Fig Tree during this life -- much more often than they wanted you to be thinking about what you'll be doing in the afterlife. The best place to see the Vine & Fig Tree ideal is in the book of Micah. We'll look at that passage in some detail when you sign up for our anarchist brainwashing program. Sometimes people say we're "un-American" because we're anarchists. We reply by saying our organization is dedicated to promoting the original "American Dream." According to the Library of Congress Website, George Washington was motivated by the Vine & Fig Tree vision revealed in the Bible:
Details, Details |
This website doesn't exist to pass out thousand-dollar bills to every Tom, Dick, and Harriet that comes along saying, "Yeah, I read the Bible, but I didn't become an anarchist, and I want my thousand bucks." You will have to go through hoops to get there, and we're betting that our hoops will persuade you to pay us to join our cause. At the very least, our hoops will transform you to some degree, and that's what our donors want. We offer a one-year "Life Coaching" Program. We want to sell you on that program. This "Bible Bet" is a marketing gimmick. In effect, we're offering a double-your-money-back guarantee on the program. This Program Solves the Most Pressing Problem in Your Life. In order to get started, we want to screen out trouble-makers and riff-raff, so there's a lengthy application process. The application process is free. No obligation.
Our next semester begins on July 5, 2015. Then get ready for a full assault of reality on July 5. If you are willing to admit that you will not be able to resist Biblical reasoning, and are willing to go through an iron-sharpening-iron program and come out on the other side as a Bible believing Christian anarchist, then click this link to go to our enrollment page. If you still think you can complete the assignments in our curriculum and not be converted into a Bible-believing anarchist, and you want to enter into a wager in the vain hopes of winning $1,000.00 from us, then just Register here: |
This webpage ultimately links to over 2,000 webpages and blog posts created by Vine & Fig Tree, plus 1.6 zillion other webpages around the Internet. Go ahead and start digging. If you want a more systematic approach, dished out in bite-sized chunks every day, you should enroll in our program. And if you want personal accountability and coaching, those who donate are invited to attend our coaching webinars. |
About Kevin Craig - Personal History
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2015 and Beyond
You Need a Coach |
“Gentlemen, this is a football.” The iconic coach Vince Lombardi began his coaching career with the Green Bay Packers -- who were coming off a string of losing seasons -- by standing before a room full of professional NFL football veterans, holding up a football and saying, "Gentlemen, this is a football." As if they didn't know. Lombardi's point: championship teams are made not by concocting unprecedented "Hail Mary" plays. Losers are transformed into winners by going back to the basics, building a rock-solid foundation, and consistently executing disciplined progress toward the goal. |
Once you lay a solid foundation and master the basics,
your personal coach can help you
overcome big problems
or achieve extraordinary goals
in all the most important areas of your life:
Faith | Family | Finances | Fitness | |
... and many other goals to achieve and problems to solve
The Anarchist Worldview Bible Curriculum How about a bird's-eye view of these five works that you will be required to read in the Anarchist Bible Bet "Colonial American One-Room Schoolhouse 2.0" You will read Five of the Most Important Works in the History of America in the next 365 days
Let's look at those five works in a little more detail
The Bible
The Westminster StandardsAmerica's Founders said that "religion and morality" were "necessary for good government and the happiness of mankind." A good summary of "religion and morality" is found in the Catechisms and Confession of Faith drafted in Westminster in the 1640's. B.B. Warfield, professor at Princeton in the late 1800's, wrote of the Westminster Standards,
Richard Gardiner, in his impressive collection of "Primary Source Documents Pertaining to Early American History, lists many sources which introduce the average Secular Humanist to the now-unknown religious foundations of American Independence and Government. Among these sources are the Westminster Standards. Gardiner says of them:
Here is an edition of our Westminster Module from several years ago. If you enroll in the Anarchist Bible Bet home study program, you'll get the 2015-16 edition of all Five Modules with the freshest content. |
Anarcho-Capitalism and the Wealth of NationsIn 1776, the year the Declaration of Independence was signed, Adam Smith wrote a book that is considered the first treatise on Capitalism. Full title: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations. What causes some nations to be wealthier than others? Freedom, personal responsibility, and morality. Pretty obvious, really; a nation characterized by rampant theft can never become prosperous. When competition turns into vengeance, and life is not respected, civilization crumbles. Subsequent economists have crystallized Smith's thesis: "Capitalism" is the social system based on A nation that is virtuous and free from the initiation of force and threats of violence, is wealthier than a nation which covets, steals, and initiates force against others. "Religion and morality" is the key to a Market freed from tyranny. But in our secularist day, people are foggy-headed about this. People confuse "capitalism" with "crony-capitalism," "Keynesianism," and mild forms of socialism and fascism. "Capitalism" as a word has no meaning. So let's forget "capitalism" and focus on the roots of a peaceful and prosperous society: Pacifism The foundation of a flourishing humane economy is the repudiation of violence. We've been trained to reject "pacifism" on the grounds of "self-defense." This is an ambiguous and unChristian slogan. It is a rationalization for vengeance. The myth of "self-defense" weakens our resolve to follow the executed Christ and trust in statist violence. Human beings know how to resolve conflicts without violence, but politicians and defense contractors want us to believe we need government compulsion and threats of violence to maintain "order." But order comes from a commitment to non-aggression. As we read the Bible, we face the requirement to beat our "swords into plowshares." This means pacifism and a Freed Market. You have questions about pacifism? We have answers. Anarchism and "Anarcho-Capitalism"
That is to say, businesses whose CEO's who are not victims of atheistic educational malpractice do not resort to violence. This is why America's Founders believed that "religion, morality, and knowledge" were "necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind." Good schools create good businesses. Good schools cannot create "good government." "Government" is force; government is violence; government is theft. "Central planning" is socialism and socialism is war. "Government" is the militarization of the economy. "Good government" is a contradiction in terms. In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, Jesus discovered His disciples arguing about who is going to be the "greatest" in the Kingdom of God. They didn't understand that Jesus' Kingdom was quite unlike the kingdoms of the world.
The word translated "rulers" comes from the Greek word from which we derive our English word "anarchist." "Lords," "rulers" and "great ones" are "archists." Jesus clearly says His followers are not to be "archists." They are to be "servants." The biggest government lie in the history of the human race is that "anarchists" are the bad guys, and those who oppose "anarchists" (logically, "archists") are the Good Guys and defenders of civilization.
This is a "paradigm shift." The most orderly and prosperous society is the one with the greatest liberty, not the most powerful Emperor. But the essential foundation of liberty, prosperity, order and peace is the Bible, and
Consider the exposition of the 6th Commandment ("Thou shalt not kill") and the 8th Commandment ("Thou shalt not steal") found in the Westminster Larger Catechism. These two commandments alone, if taken seriously, consistently, and faithfully, would rid the world of all governments. When we all stand before "the Supreme Judge of the World," nobody is going to hear, "Oh, you worked for the government? Then all your acts of theft and murder are excused. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Instead of reading Adam Smith's 18th-century work, we'll read a modern version of the same theme, called Healing Our World. Why do we need to "heal" our world? Since I was born, the U.S. federal government has killed, crippled, or made homeless tens of millions of innocent non-combatant civilians around the world. I would say this makes the United States the most evil entity on the planet and the enemy of mankind. And most Americans, if aware of this, say the price "is worth it" to keep the cost of gas down. Government is a reflection of bad morals, which are an effect of bad education. The worse the education, the larger the government. The world today is being strangled by the tentacles of immorality, violence, and crony-capitalism. But don't blame "them." We have to blame ourselves if we're going to Heal Our World. Because of their Biblical education, America's Founding Fathers realized that "the Divine Right of Kings" was not a Biblical doctrine. You have been denied this education by an imperialist regime that can only be described as "the enemy of mankind." You don't see half of what America's Founders saw. If they were here today, they would see not only that the "divine right of kings" is an unChristian concept, but the entire concept of "the nation-state," having been invented by rebels and nowhere commanded or endorsed in the Bible, is a complete failure, leading to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, the enslavement of billions, and the destruction or confiscation of trillions of dollars of property. In the 20th century alone. In the phrase "Religion, morality, and knowledge," which America's Founders said were "necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind," "knowledge" also meant the ability to discharge one's divine calling, or vocation. Each of us has a calling from God. The one who is called to be a plumber or a farmer has a divine calling that is just as spiritual as one who thinks he's called to be a priest. This was the genius of the Protestant Reformation doctrine of "The Priesthood of All Believers." Government regulation of the economy is interference in the discharge of one's divine calling. It is interference in the way one worships God during the work week. This is why America's Founders believed revolution
against Britain's economic regulations was a religious duty. Americans today are victims of atheistic education, and have no concept of the divine nature of their calling. They think their work is "secular." |
Lawrence Cremin writes about Benjamin Rush, who was a physician who signed the Declaration of Independence: |
American Education: |
For Rush, who was present in the Congress as a representative of Pennsylvania, the events surrounding the creation of the Republic marked nothing less than a turning point in the course of human history. "I was animated constantly," he reflected in later years, "by a belief that I was acting for the benefit of the whole world, and of future ages, by assisting in the formation of new means of political order and general happiness."11
11. The Autobiography of Benjamin Rush, edited by George W. Corner (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1948), p.161.
Christians who believe in "the Rapture" do not believe in "future ages." They believe Christ is going to rapture them "at any moment," and destroy the planet and everything man has worked for. Rapturists do not work "for the benefit of the whole world," nor assist in "the formation of new means of political order and general happiness." As we have mentioned several times, America's Founders believed that teaching children the Bible every day from their earliest years was "necessary for good government and the happiness of mankind." Secular schools and theories of rapture are why we now have bad government and depression, instead of "good government" and "happiness."
The Curriculum of the colonial American one-room schoolhouse 2.0 will give students a vision for a Christianized world. We are all created in the Image of God, and hard-wired to aspire to the vision described by the Old Testament Prophet Micah 4:1-7: |
Micah's Prophecy |
Archetype |
Controversy |
And it will come about in the last days That the mountain of the House of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains And it will be raised above the hills |
Victory: Christ established His Kingdom at the first Christmas |
“Predestination” “Preterism” Audio |
And the peoples will stream to it. And many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD And to the House of the God of Jacob, |
Globalism: It will continue to expand until it covers the globe |
“Optimillennialism” Audio |
That He may teach us about His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For from Zion will go forth the Law Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem. |
Law: Biblical Law will be our standard |
“Theonomy” Audio |
And He will judge between many peoples And render decisions for mighty, distant nations. Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation will not lift up sword against nation And never again will they train for war. |
Peace: We will pursue God's "shalom" |
“Pacifism” Audio |
And each of them will sit under his | Family: Beginning at home |
“Patriarchy” Audio |
Vine and under his fig tree, With no one to make them afraid. For the LORD of hosts has spoken. |
Garden-Land: Healing the Environment |
“Anarchism” Audio |
Though all the peoples walk Each in the name of his god, As for us, we will walk In the Name of the LORD our God forever and ever. In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever. |
Community: Beyond the "Rugged Individual" |
“Theocracy” Audio |
You won't agree with everything in my curriculum, but you will be a better person for having wrestled with these ideas: Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other. |
Audio |
* Did the Supreme Court really "ban the Bible" from public schools? Public school students can certainly be taught that the Bible exists. But they cannot be taught that it is true, and that it is a "sacred" book because it is the Word of God. In other words, the Court banned the teaching of the Bible as the Bible would be taught by those who wrote it. The Court also banned the Bible as the Supreme Court ruled 150 years earlier it "must" be taught. An 1844 U.S. Supreme Court case involved a wealthy Frenchman who left a large sum of money in his will to the City of Philadelphia to build a school in which no clergy would teach. (Virtually all schools back then were run by churches or Christian organizations and clergy often taught the classes Mon-Fri.) There was a great controversy over whether the will of this obviously deistic Frenchman should be enforced. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that just because clergy couldn't teach, didn't mean that lay teachers could not continue to teach the Bible as the Word of God in a school administered by the city government. In fact, the Court said -- and the City of Philadelphia enthusiastically agreed -- that teachers "must" teach Christianity and the Bible as a "divine revelation" and a "sacred volume." Here are the words of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1844:
There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution which forced the Supreme Court in the early 1960's to repudiate Christianity and remove the Bible "as a divine revelation" from public schools. |
Where to go from here:
If you already sense that I'm going to win this bet, and if you sense that America's Founding Fathers would urge you to enroll in this home study program, please sign up here, and I'll let you know when I have the program ready to roll. If you still believe the United States is a shining "City upon a hill," click one of the options below. You are a victim of educational malpractice. Why you will be delighted to fork over a thousand bucks after you lose this wager. If you're confused, click here for more details. Or arrange a time when we can talk on the phone.